Yet again, it has been a while since I updated, but we have been having fun in my class. My one class period has completed their wiki pages. I'm doing my best to not peek at them until they display them to the class next Tuesday.
The other new tech-related project my students have been working on is infomercials to sell me parts of speech. After doing the standard "adjectives! woowoo" that they don't buy in to and don't practice when offered the rote worksheet or practice sentences, I needed a new idea. After searching the internet I found this great idea for students to demonstrate mastery through the teaching of others. Their infomercial has to effectively describe/define their part of speech in order to "sell" it. I have four classes working on this project and they are starting to come together. As always, some better than others. My students are quickly learning the need for memorization as they see themselves looking off screen to read a script or looking down and the whole recording is of the top of their heads!
Next week is our end of semester, so all of these projects need to be completed. My incentive for students to finish early is that next Thursday is a tech assembly and their work may be displayed.