Friday, August 27, 2010

Student News

Well, I have opened the proverbial can of worms.  Earlier this week my current events class was watching CNN's student news.  There was an item about the new school in LA opening.  The question of the day was what makes a good school - the building or the environment within?  My class seemed to agree that while an awesome building is great it's really "cool teacher's that don't just talk to you all day" that make a school.  So silly me went into the blog and we created a class comment.

How is that opening a can of worms you ask?  Well, today's item is about a district offering parents money for their student's college fund to attend open house, conferences, and the such.  As I was telling my homeroom class the basics of the item one of my students asked "do you have to have an account to add your comment?"  Oh boy - "no" I replied as I reminded him that all comments need to be appropriate.

The easing of control begins.  The biggest hurdle with technology is letting the kids use it without feeling like you need to monitor and review everything.... and it begins.  If nothing else this class year will test my ability to let the students truly have creative control.

If you are interested in our comment it was posted on Aug. 25 (it was post 56 so it's a ways down).

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